July 24, 2013

Why hire us?

Why should you make use of our services?

We are Highly knowledgeable
•  We know and understand:
1. Our Products
2. Rigs
3. Drilling Equipment
4. Drilling Conditions
5. Compressors
6. Explosives
7. Other Equipment

•  We also offer consulting services for problems regarding:
1. Drilling
2. Blasting

Competitive Prices
•  We strive to keep our prices low without lowering standards.
•  Our cost performance and prices is competitive.
•  We strive to give client the best cost-effective solutions

Personnel and equipment
•  We employ over 15 permanent staff members.
•  Our personnel is efficient and highly knowledgeable.
•  We have our own hydraulic drill rigs
•  We only use high-quality equipment and other by-products.

High-Quality Level of services
•  We strive to keep our clients happy
•  Its our vision to be the best in the industry

• We become part of your team
• We listen and strive to fulfill client’s expectations
• We want our client's input regarding problems or concerns
• We offer advice on what is the best procedures or solutions.